
*Look* Protection,Health and Prosperity Copper Pentagram Bracelet

Original price was: $899.99.Current price is: $499.99.


Offered today is a very special bracelet worn during all of my protection, health and wealth rituals for the last two years and during the blue moon rituals. Not only will you have protection, blessings and better health, wearing this bracelet during your own spells and rituals will amplify the power x3. This bracelet will be made by Blaccwidow once every year and worn during all positive rituals performed by Blaccwidow. The protection level attached to this bracelet is equivalent to my powerful shield ritual I offer. Copper has its own natural benefits but with added power it can bless your life tremendously.

Be protected from negative entities during your own castings even if you don’t practice or cast spells this bracelet will still shield you. Wear for protection from evil sources, evil eye, envious people and curses. Also spelled for good health and energy, you will notice less sick days and more energy.

Bring prosperity to your life and open doors to success. Casting money spells while wearing this bracelet will triple your cast each time. Even a money spell as simple as burning a bayleaf or lighting a green candle. Just wearing it daily without casting spells will bring you good luck in all you do.


Offered today is a very special bracelet worn during all of my protection, health and wealth rituals for the last two years and during the blue moon rituals. Not only will you have protection, blessings and better health, wearing this bracelet during your own spells and rituals will amplify the power x3. This bracelet will be made by Blaccwidow once every year and worn during all positive rituals performed by Blaccwidow. The protection level attached to this bracelet is equivalent to my powerful shield ritual I offer. Copper has its own natural benefits but with added power it can bless your life tremendously.

Be protected from negative entities during your own castings even if you don’t practice or cast spells this bracelet will still shield you. Wear for protection from evil sources, evil eye, envious people and curses. Also spelled for good health and energy, you will notice less sick days and more energy.

Bring prosperity to your life and open doors to success. Casting money spells while wearing this bracelet will triple your cast each time. Even a money spell as simple as burning a bayleaf or lighting a green candle. Just wearing it daily without casting spells will bring you good luck in all you do.


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